Left with 1 exam!

Finally, hell week has passed and i’m left with 1 exam…and a computing exam to boot…so shouldn’t be a big deal…It’s still 6 days away so i can take it easy for now…haha…So far all my exams seemed to have gone relatively well, except for my fundamentals of electrical engineering, which i’m slightly concerned about but i guess the results will get curved so hopefully i’ll do fine…

Time to pack up my room now as i’ve left it in a mess for the past 2 wks, just concentrating on my studying. I didn’t even cook and just microwaved frozen food or ate out. Very unhealthy lifestyle…the only plus was that i was sleeping early and waking up early…which is not something i usually do, and which i quickly reverted back to normal now that most of my exams have finished…

The weather these 2 days have been fantastic! Just in time after my exams to enjoy it! Can’t believe that just 3 days ago, a snowstorm had just passed. There’s still lumps of snow sitting by the roadside, slowly melting. It’s a balmy 10+ degrees now and finally i can start walking outside in short sleeves…first time i’ve done so since arriving in Canada. Now that i’ve been wearing long sleeves so much, walking outside in nothing more then a short sleeved shirt makes me feel kind of naked…But then again, there are guys walking around topless here…haha…

20. April 2007 by Han Sheng
Categories: exams, weather | Leave a comment

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