Perfect score!
No, its not me…i’ll nvr get that kind of grades. It’s my sis. She just got back her A level results today. Perfect score! 5As and Distinction for H3. Damn…I thought i stood a good chance of beating her for A lvls. Haha…Turns out she’s too good. She completely trashed me for PSLE by more than 10 pts and skipped her O lvls so A levels was the last chance for me to get one back at her. 😛 On a more serious tone, I’m really happy for her! Now she’s one step closer to her dream of entering med school.
I, on the other hand, am all set to fail my test tomorrow, so much so that i’ve given up on studying to type this entry. Good thing its an optional test. I’m seriously getting tired of all the exams and studying. I feel like university is killing off my passion for engineering. 🙁
Yo, I think studying has already killed any amount of passion I once had for Microbio. You’re not alone!